This has been in the works for [i]ages[/i], but as of today I can finally share publicly, that [url=https://store.steampowered.com/publisher/2leftthumbs]2 Left Thumbs[/url] is now the publisher for [b]Super Fancy Pants Adventure[/b]!! First off, I want to thank Kongregate for their years of stewardship for all things Fancy Pants related.
For those who don't know me, my name is Graeme! I'm the founder and sole employee of 2 Left Thumbs, an indie game [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VRSiTjFrWKQ]micro-publisher[/url]. I've been a Flash game enthusiast my whole life, and grew up playing Fancy Pants! It is the absolute honor of a lifetime to now be carrying that torch <3
A few sleuths in the Discord actually figured out this was coming sooner than today, so I'm glad to finally be able to talk about it openly!
[h2]CLASSIC PACK!![/h2]
You can buy the [b]Fancy Pants Adventures: Classic Pack[/b] NOW in Early Access.
If you [u]already own Super[/u], [i][b]still[/b][/i] use the bundle link, as it will grant you an additional discount on the Classic Pack, without requiring you to re-purchase Super!!
I intend to take this role seriously. While I can't promise anything as substantial as new content, I'd like to seek out opportunities to improve the overall user experience!
[list][*]The game is bundled with the Classic Pack for an extra discount
[*] Both games now properly link to [url=https://store.steampowered.com/search/?developer=Borne%20Games]Brad's own page[/url]
[*] I've [b]localized the pricing[/b], so the game should be cheaper in many regions than it was before!
[*] There are several assets that are now considered mandatory for new Steam apps. I've added those all in! So the game should look much prettier in your library from now on
[*] General cleanup around the Steam page ([i]I've never agreed with the phrasing of "56 Levels". That should feel more accurate now[/i])[/list]
[h2]WHAT NEXT?[/h2]
I already hang out in the Fancy Pants Discord, and have been seeking inspiration for other changes we could make. Things that are already on my list (many of which will have to wait until Brad is rested, and needs a break from Classic Pack work)
[list][*] Adding Trading Cards + Badges + Backgrounds etc
[*] Pushing for full Steam Deck compatibility
[*] Removing the always-online requirement that can stop you from taking the game on the road.
[*] Adding proper key re-binding!![/list]
The main focus will remain on the Classic Pack for the foreseeable future. But please, throw some additional suggestions my way, and I'll see what can be done!
Maybe you played as many Flash games as I did back in the day? One of the most popular and most [i]gorgeous[/i] platformers of that time was [b]William and Sly[/b]! I am also working with series creator Lucas Paakh to bring the latest installment of his [url=https://store.steampowered.com/app/2684790/William_and_Sly_Classic_Collection/]classic series[/url] to Steam, reimagined as a open world, 3d platformer!
You can try the public demo now, and see if you like it. [b]William and Sly[/b] will release this Spring, so be sure to add it to your [u]Wishlists[/u]!