Spring 2024: Update and changelog


Welcome to the Club! Grab the wheel and play Trackmania® for FREE now.

[h2]Data[/h2] [h3]Added[/h3] [list][*] Added CastleRoad Diag chicanes [*] Added low frequency _X2 textures on penalty surfaces (neutralized by default, can be modded to add large scale patterns like in TM²)[/list] [h3]Fixed[/h3] [list][*] Fixed Map Editor Crash with RallyRoadDirtHighToLowUpCurve2Right in air mode [*] Fixed geometry in Screen2x1StraightSmall [*] Fixed items placement inverted on CastleWallDiagStraightX2 [*] Fixed item Screen2x3Big not showing [*] Fixed missing NoPillarBellow variant on TechnicsLights [*] Fixed DecoPlatform Curve 4 & 5 Lods [*] Fixed missing ramp items placement on platform blocs [*] Fixed Platforms, DecoPlatforms, OpenRoads and OpenZones normals not continuous between blocs and lods (improved smooth,ess and popping) [*] Fixed UVs offset on some PlatformLoops [*] Fixed Racing Gates items trigger’s visual effect not corresponding the real trigger collision [*] Fixed Screen6x1 not skinnable [*] Fixed Large square pillar Item UVs [*] Fixed multiple water planes on some water blocs [*] Fixed gaps on RallyCastleWallArchX1 [*] Fixed gap on RallyRoadDirtHighToLowUpStraightX2 [*] Fixed Item Torch smoke source location [*] Fixed flying flags on CastleTower [*] Fixed lods of DecoPlatformCurve 4 & 5 [*] Fixed item Torch Light location [*] Fixed missing faces of some Cliff blocs preview when “in hand” [*] Fixed symmetry not working for DecoHillSlope2ChicaneX2 Left & Right [*] Fixed texture mods on gate items. [*] Fixed alternate cars engine sound too loud. [*] Fixed numbers display on the Rallycar [*] Fixed Misaligned border on RoadTechNarrowTilt blocks [*] Fixed Combining WaterGrassRampRoadCurveOut and WaterGrassZoneCurve1Out can make a hole appear in LOD variant[/list] [h2]Game Modes & UIs[/h2] [h3]Added[/h3] [list][*] Added a checkpoint counter UI in racing mode, displayable with a setting [*] Added premade track packs in local multiplayer modes [*] Added the day to TOTD buttons [*] Added current matches to the current events section [*] Added a new Medals tab in the Records UI allowing to spectate medals ghosts[/list] [h3]Changed[/h3] [list][*] Updated the link of the competition admin [*] Created a section “Text chat” in the settings [*] Modified the club certification badge icon[/list] [h3]Fixed[/h3] [list][*] Fixed inability to delete the 4×1 decal asset in a club [*] Fixed multiple script crashes in Events page [*] Fixed the lack of sound in the “Create” menu page [*] Fixed wrong button in Create menu page when changing language [*] Fixed overlapping text in skin and replay browsers [*] Fixed counters resetting in the “Track Review” activity creation when adding an image [*] Fixed error message not disappearing in hotseat [*] Fixed Standard Access message displayed instead of Club Access [*] Fixed cropped text in COTD [*] Fixed a script crash in the record UI module [*] Fixed a navigation issue on the leaderboard in the Ranked lobby [*] Fixed the wood gameplay in the Royal base map [*] Fixed an error that occurred when joining a matchmaking server that took longer than usual to start [*] Fixed the wood gameplay in the Simple Editor base map [*] Fixed an issue where campaign pager buttons would not display correctly after changing the language[/list] [h2]Gameplay[/h2] [h3]Fixed[/h3] [list][*] Fixed rallycar behaviour on custom ice [*] Fixed Camera switch becomes choppy when server has been running for too long [*] Fixed Item placement preview on rotated blocks in the map Editor[/list]