Super Arcade Racing is a retro-inspired racing game with an intriguing story, online and local multiplayer, more than 80 unique tracks, and full car customisation.
We’re pleased to announce we have a new major update for Super Arcade Racing! (v1.03)
Here’s what’s new...
[*] [u][b]Split Screen[/b][/u]
Now you can play with up to 4 players locally. Each player can customise their car and choose their car upgrade (limited to whatever has been unlocked in the single player).
[*] [u][b]Online levels[/b][/u]
We have added all the single player levels to the online multiplayer level selection options, giving you more levels to choose from (again, limited to whatever has been unlocked in the single player).
[*] [u][b]New Music[/b][/u]
We have added new music into the game! Each level will now have a song playing.
We have also added a [b][i]FREE DLC[/i][/b] of the soundtrack. And for those who want the megamix YouTube compilation, you can now listen to it all here:
If you have downloaded the DLC Soundtrack, you can find the .mp3 files here:
[*] In Steam, right click Super Arcade Racing
[*] Click ‘properties’
[*] Click ‘local files’ tab
[*] Click ‘Browse local files’
[*] There should be a folder called “Soundtrack”
Or alternatively, you can open up the steam overlay, click the music tab and see the Super Arcade Racing soundtrack there!
[*] [u][b]Bug Fixes[/b][/u]
Minor bug fixes and improvements
Thanks for playing, see you on the track!
- The OutOfTheBit Team