Super Arcade Racing is a retro-inspired racing game with an intriguing story, online and local multiplayer, more than 80 unique tracks, and full car customisation.
[b]Here's what's new...[/b]
[*] [b]Cross-platform multiplayer[/b]
You can now match with players on any platform that the game is available on, around the world, when playing multiplayer
[*] [b]Anonymous leaderboard names[/b]
Your leaderboard name is now made up of a set of wacky words, go to settings -> leaderboard name to change it as much as you want until you find something you like
[*] [b]Bug Fixes[/b]
We've fixed a few bugs and made a few improvements
[b]We're also pleased to announce that to celebrate this update we're putting the game on sale next week at a 30% discount. This discount will start at 10AM PST / 6pm BST on the 3rd of August.[/b]
Here's a video showing off a game between three players on three different platforms:
Thanks for playing!
- The OutOfTheBit Team