SpellForce 3 Versus Edition - Patch #2 - Various Fixes & Balancing Tweaks

[b]General Changes:[/b][list] [*]Added translations for cinematic subtitles [*]Fixed Old-Haalâyash campaign savegames only being loadable by players who own SpellForce 3: Soul Harvest [*]Fixed players being able to change other player's race in skirmish lobby [*]Temple of the Eclipse Godess: Small bugfix [*]The game will no longer write unnecessary debugging information to disk while playing [*]Fixed custom lobby screen popping up before entering a Versus match [*]Implemented a fix that may circumvent the missing text issue [*]Blackheart Jungle: Re-visiting the map via the world map no longer causes trolls to die. Also, the heroes should no longer spawn at the bottom left of the map but rather at the temple entrance. [*]Northern Coast: Improved visuals after Akrog's speech. [*]Added Class Templates for Noag in the Character Generator [*]Akrog: Reduced strength of Chieftain Mark and Moon Spirit Revenge abilites [*]Bundled Cloak of Shivers effects in one condition each [*]Spectator Mode: "Free Spectating" now shows the partially revealed map for the spectating player [*]Adjusted names of towers and refineries (SH races) [*]Cleaned up various skirmish hero & RTS skill tooltips [*]Improved visual effects on RTS units[/list] [b]Balance Adjustments:[/b] Creeps[list] [*]Normalized casting speed of all wyverns to 1.5s [*]Lightning Wyvern spell now only hits up to 15 targets in a long chain[/list] All Factions[list] [*]Range of all capitals have been increased by 25 to help with initial capital harassment [*]The "Worker Armor" Upgrade now costs 5 Food and takes 20 seconds to research for each step.[/list] Humans[list] [*]Royal Mage: Fixed Incinerate not dealing areal damage on level 2 [*]Paragon: Attack speed increased from 0.17 to 0.22 [*]Paragon: Shield duration reduced from 60 to 40s [*]Paragon: Shield amount reduced from 750 to 500[/list] Orcs[list] [*]Occultist: Reduced the attack speed of Blood-Blessed Claymore (III) to be in line with the other weapons [*]Flesh Golem: Reduced summoning cost for Flesh Golem from 75 iron to 50 iron. New cost: 75 Food, 50 Iron, 75 Black Ash[/list] Elves[list] [*]Ranger -> Trueshot: Reduced damage dealt from 250 to 200 [*]Guardian: Increased health from 550 to 600 [*]Druid Hero: Basic attack range increased from 80 to 100 [*]Druid Hero: Elen's Fire now inflicts magical damage, but 20% more [*]Wanderer: Upgraded Wanderers now deal 25 Magic and 25 Pierce damage per hit, down from 30 / 30 [*]Warden: Increased iron cost from 2 to 3. New cost: 5 Food 3 Iron 4 Supply [*]Treant: Elen's Roots no longer hits air units [*]Druid: The area of effect heal has been reduced from 20 HP/s to 10HP/2s[/list] Dark Elves[list] [*]Guardian of Nor: Increased sword damage. 72(Base), 84, 96 to 80(Base), 90, 100 [*]Reaper: Kiss of Nor cooldown increased from 10s to 30s [*]Tarantula: Increased health from 500 to 525 [*]Basilisk: Reduced pierce resistance from 25 to 0 [*]Strider: Reduced health from 1500 to 1400 [*]Strider: Increased supply cost from 4 to 5 [*]Twisted One: No longer immune to sacrifice effects from Guardian of Nor [*]Broodfather: Summoning cost reduced from 150 souls to 125 souls. New cost: 75 Food, 75 Iron, 125 Souls.[/list] Dwarves[list] [*]High-Hierophant: Reduced attack speed from 0.29 to 0.25 [*]High-Hierophant: Increased cooldown of Barrage from 15 to 20[/list] Trolls[list] [*]Cost of basic economic buildings increased. [*]Tree Chopper -> Cost increased from 9 to 13 Stone [*]Stone Breaker -> Cost increased from 9 to 13 Wood [*]Hunting Hut -> Cost increased from 9 to 13 Wood [*]Starting resources increased to 52 Wood, 52 Stone and 10 Food [*]Plaguebringer: Upgraded weapon damage has been reduced: 90(Base), 140, 190 down to 90(Base), 110, 130 [*]Plaguebringer: Basic attacks no longer cleave [*]Plaguebringer -> Infect Buildings: Cost reduced from 15 to 10 [*]Plaguebringer -> Infect Buildings: Cooldown increased from 15 to 20 [*]Plaguebringer -> Infect Buildings: Duration increased to 10 seconds [*]Plaguebringer -> Infect Buildings: Damage reduced from 60 to 30 on Level 1, from 60 to 50 on Level 2 [*]Chieftain: Upgraded weapon damage has been reduced: 150(Base), 175, 215 down to 150(Base), 175, 200 [*]Chieftain -> Come Here: No longer increases impair intensity on level 2, but increases range from 90 to 130 [*]Chieftain: The Troll Guard now only accepts actual trolls[/list]