General Fixes[list]
[*]Added a button to open godstone portals from the viewport, without needing to select the godstone first
[*]When playing with a gamepad, you can now double tap the left analog stick in any direction to move the camera faster
[*]Fixed a bug that prevented Versus-related achievements from being saved to player profiles once unlocked
[*]Fixed a possible crash after host migration in multiplayer
[*]Added new animated cursor in gamepad mode
[*]Improved drag & drop with gamepad in hero party screen
[*]Fixed incorrect healthbar positioning on some buildings without assignable workers[/list]
Balancing Adjustments
[*]Supply cost increased from 3 to 4
[*]Iron cost increased from 1 to 3. New cost: 5 Wood 3 Iron 10 Food.[/list]
Hero: Occultist:[list]
[*]Demonic Pact: Now scales with Brute Force.
[*]Demonic Pact: Level 1 Base power increase reduced from 150% to 100%. Level 2 Base power increase reduced from 200% to 150%.[/list]
Starting Resources[list]
[*]Increased initial wood amount. New starting resources: 70 Wood, 10 Stone, 10 Food.[/list]
[*]Increased cost of T1 Outpost: 9 Wood 10 Food increased to 12 Wood 10 Food.[/list]
Hunting cabin, Stone Cutter & Farm[list]
[*]Increased construction cost from 7 to 9 Wood.[/list]
Dark Elves[list]
[*]Upgraded woodcutter and iron mine now properly profit from refinery upgrades[/list]
Guardian of Nor
Soul Guardian[list]
[*]Soul Transformation: Level 1 now requires party level 3[/list]
Plague Beetles[list]
[*]Upgrade: Added 10 iron bar cost. New cost: 10 Iron 15 Souls
[*]Upgrade: Damage on additional targets has been reduced from 80 to 30.
[*]Increased production time from 20 to 25
[*]Increased supply cost from 4 to 5[/list]
Tower of Lethargy:[list]
[*]Health increased from 1400 to 2000[/list]
[*]Reverted Charcoal cost increase. New cost: 3 Charcoal 4 Food[/list]
Starting Resources[list]
[*]Increased initial food amount. New starting resources: 52 Wood, 52 Stone, 15 Food.[/list]
Hero: Chieftian[list]
[*]Slam no longer removes acquired Junk stacks.[/list]
[*]Increased Food cost from 10 to 12, reverting the precious change.[/list]
Bone Hexer[list]
[*]Increase damage from 70 Magic / 15 Leech to 115 Magic / 35 Leech[/list]
War Bringer[list]
[*]Equalized movement speed. Reduced from 60 to 50.
[*]Increased health from 3000 to 3500
[*]Attacks now cleave on two additional targets