Speedrun & Stability Update!


A musical platforming adventure with an emotional story. Play as a silly bard and use music to interact with everything on a journey around the world. Along the way you'll explore, solve puzzles, and meet a huge cast of characters!

Hi all! First of all, I want to congratulate our dedicated Wandersong speedrunners, who recently discovered some hidden features we had and the alternate "bad" ending. Well done!! We were worried they would be secret forever. Following that discovery, we've made one new additional skip available today to bring the speedrun time even lower. Nice! Additionally, this new build contains new features to help stabilize the game at different framerates + monitor refresh rates, which is our most common complaint. Users across the board should see a much more stable experience. Double nice!! Finally, this new build also has expanded capability for language translation modding. Triple nice!!! With this, players helping with [url=https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1goKIzX5qFD5VXxuhCHNizea_ko9bpLOF8KR-tsJeZ-k/edit?usp=sharing]our ongoing fan translation project [/url]will be able to test their modded text more easily in-game, and eventually distribute their translations. Woo! Details on how to implement translations will be aded to the spreadsheet soon. Thanks again to everyone for your continued love and support! Greg