Special 4 days of discount and v1.2k Changelog!

Meltys Quest

Princess Meltys spent all her life fooling around while living in the lap of luxury. One day the dastardly Grolido Monster Empire upsets her way of life. Now she sets out on a passionate journey to restore her kingdom, but what pit stops will she make along the way?

With today's v1.2k update, Meltys Quest is now fully localized into Chinese along with a few minor bug fixes! To celebrate, Meltys Quest is going to be 20% off from 12/08 to 12/12! :lovewave: The Chinese localization was only made possible by the folks at Kagura Games, so after you tell all your friends, neighbors, co-workers and game store cashiers about the latest Meltys Quest update and special discount, check out Kagura Games' catalog of games! :mqbat: https://store.steampowered.com/developer/Kagura In addition to their existing catalog of games, Kagura Games will also be releasing a new eroge on the 14th, so why not check that out too while you're waiting for your friends' responses back to you telling them that Meltys Quest is now available uncensored and uncut in English, Japanese and Chinese, and for Windows, Mac and Linux computers. :meltys: https://store.steampowered.com/app/893010/Slaves_Sword/