Halloween Sale and v1.2i Changelog!

Meltys Quest

Princess Meltys spent all her life fooling around while living in the lap of luxury. One day the dastardly Grolido Monster Empire upsets her way of life. Now she sets out on a passionate journey to restore her kingdom, but what pit stops will she make along the way?

[img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/30885323/3d4fb954e8561b9063575f931188d8a959adc24b.jpg[/img] We wish you a Happy Meltys Halloween! Go trick or treat your friends with a 30% off Meltys Quest this Halloween and let them experience the first ever fully uncensored and uncut Japanese eroge on Steam, now also available on Mac and Linux OS, all with any added fees! :lovewave: v 1.2i Changelog [list] [*]Fixed Steam achievement bugs in Japanese version. [*]Removed the entrance lock after completing the Ice Wall in Princess Mode. [*]Using food items will now not boot you out of the menu. [*]Spelling and grammar corrections. [*]A post-game map bug fix. [/list]