Spaceflux v.0.1.6/7 Patch Notes


The psychedelic shooter where the map contains itself recursively, like a fractal. Experience arena deathmatches like never before in fractal worlds, infinite landscapes and fully destructible maps.Play Horde Mode, online multiplayer, and split-screen.

Spaceflux v.0.1.6 Patch Notes New challenger: LORD DUDE New map: 2Corn - classic base vs base arena with multiple bridges traversing the deadly lava below. Teleporters connect both sides, acting as a backdoor into the other base. Improved spectator mode. Press H to toggle spectator UI Each challenger has their own taunt. Press G to activate Renovated Sanctum Added cube crumbling sound Health pickups are now in the shape of a human heart Improved menus with heads in the background and character select Button sounds Laser kannon - laser now shows up for all player instances 3 second respawn delay Scoped sniper is a one-shot kill anywhere on the body Faster shotgun projectiles [25000->35000] Shotgun particle effect Fixed explosion not dealing damage bug Indestructible floor for Tree of Life - Fractal Sofa launcher - left-click launches sofas, right-click places them ABC blocks in Daycare Grenade launcher - grenades explode faster (0.2->0.1 second delay) Players have 1.15x bigger hitboxes Tree of Life - fractal bubble lighting Health pickup message on HUD Updated controls menu Improved Daycare - horizontal loop v.0.1.7 Patch Notes Fixed fatal error bug on match start-up Player only has 2 jumps now (previously 3) Grenade launcher - grenades explode on impact Buffed pineapple damage 36% -> 50% Removed Teleport ability from game. Needs bug fixes before it can be playable again. Spawning cubes with middle mouse button: - Decreased the spawn radius so that cubes spawn right beside you, making it easier to build cover or bridges in the air - Cubes now correctly align to a world grid - Decreased the cube fire rate Updated Head Arena Updated 2Corn Assault rifle - no more iron sights when scoped Sniper - no more headshots. Two-shot kill no-scope, one-shot kill scoped Confusion orbs are now color-coded for each challenger Modified launchpad FOV zoom effect Increased fractal fog distance Increased force of shotgun propulsion (right-click to use) Improved perspective when looking through teleporters Fixed shadows when looking through teleporters Increased taunt distance Modified Pilipe’s color scheme Fixed player jittering bug Known Bugs Teleporters in 2Corn don’t work in split-screen. At the start of the match on 2Corn, you may spawn falling below the map. Simply wait. You will teleport to the map in 8 seconds. If all else fails, you’ll have to Tab -> Respawn. If you have the Dark King Bro DLC, playing online with others who don’t may result in a fatal error on match start-up.