Local Splitscreen Update


The psychedelic shooter where the map contains itself recursively, like a fractal. Experience arena deathmatches like never before in fractal worlds, infinite landscapes and fully destructible maps.Play Horde Mode, online multiplayer, and split-screen.

Spaceflux now has 2-player splitscreen! Grab a controller and play with a friend! This update also includes: - Xbox 360 controller support - Buffed nearly every weapon - No two players can pick the same character - Added mouse sensitivity scale - Player gravity increased by 2.8x - Added kill feed - Sprint is now the default, press [SHIFT] to walk - Nerfed Kamikaze ability - Replicated all sounds For a comprehensive list of all additions/changes please see the patch notes: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1NFhzi_jVjcJCbHiTbU3tlae0cQRRfRRk6jMNM6k9pWk/edit?usp=sharing