Space Valkyries

Tits and Shadows

Tits and Shadows is a captivating turn-based RPG that seamlessly blends thrilling battles, intricate puzzles, and tantalizing adult content. Immerse yourself in a world teeming with diverse enemies, intriguing NPCs, and engaging quests.

[previewyoutube=4LoswpnQVlk;full][/previewyoutube] Dear players, Luis is back with exciting news! Space Valkyries, my new game developed in Godot, has officially launched its Kickstarter campaign. Although the gameplay is simpler, I am aiming high by seeking collaborations with cosplayers and adding voice acting to the game. I warmly invite you to support this Kickstarter campaign to bring Space Valkyries to life: a completely free game for PC and Android. Also, I want to apologize for the lack of updates in my other game, Tits and Shadows, over the past year. I have been busy preparing everything for the Space Valkyries Kickstarter campaign. However, this week we have implemented improvements in the combat system, adjusted the HP of enemies, and balanced encounters. Thank you for your patience and continuous support!