Small Update: Closed Doors

Tits and Shadows

Tits and Shadows is a captivating turn-based RPG that seamlessly blends thrilling battles, intricate puzzles, and tantalizing adult content. Immerse yourself in a world teeming with diverse enemies, intriguing NPCs, and engaging quests.

Small Update: Closed Doors This update has been released unexpectedly to fix previous errors that were causing issues with mining in an underground area. This includes an additional update that was scheduled for next week, in which the switches of many doors have been changed and their operation to improve performance a bit more. Some doors in caves and in the swamp will be closed again. I have ensured that none of these blocks the player's progress or leaves them in an infinite loop when loading the game, but if you find any error that prevents you from progressing, please let me know. Sincerely, Luis from LuQui