Strings of Divinity | The Spell Plague

2d turn-based RPG in a world where magic is corrupt. Use different combat tactics to your advantage during fights. Save the world from the tyrant dragons, pass your time doing sidequests, or just meet new friendly faces.

Added a new area : Distantia Forest - Forest of Space With Distantia forest I wanted to give the feeling of it being longer and more confusing than it is, which I believe I absolutely nailed! Distantia Forest includes : A new town with a special side quest A dungeon ( as always ) A funny little area with a sneak peek of some characters my sister and I created The castle of space ( of course ) And a travelling merchant who offers random goodies for a hefty price Update also includes : Fast travel! Once you kill the dragon of space, you gain the ability to fast travel through Kenestria! I hope you guys enjoy the update, and I'll see you all in the next one!