Horrors of the Ocean

Strings of Divinity | The Spell Plague

2d turn-based RPG in a world where magic is corrupt. Use different combat tactics to your advantage during fights. Save the world from the tyrant dragons, pass your time doing sidequests, or just meet new friendly faces.

This is an update ive been planning since the very very early days of development, however planning didn't start until 2 months ago. We added a new side quest line for Scylla and Charybdis! Scylla and Charybdis are my favorite story from greek mythology, ever since I saw them in the Odyssey. So naturally I HAD to add them, and so I did! The quest line can first begin after you defeat the dragon of life. In carper town an old captain is interested in taking on the Sea Monsters Scylla and Charybdis! Will you join him, or leave the monsters alone? Along with the new quest line, I added a special super powerful weapon : Scyllas Fang! Hopefully you guys enjoy playing the quest as much as I did making it! On top of the Scylla Charybdis quest line, in Carper town right in front of the players house is a lovely little Christmas tree, in celebration of the upcoming holidays. From December 25th - 31st, you can get special Christmas gifts from the tree! Enjoy the update everyone! And Happy Holidays! - Lightsaber09 from Gigsjaw