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..." inertia> Someone made 'probably the biggest map ever in videogame history' in Garry's Mod, a multiverse octillions of kilometres wide that's half-magic, half-maths, and wholly mind-boggling | Garry's Mod | Gamehypes

Someone made 'probably the biggest map ever in videogame history' in Garry's Mod, a multiverse octillions of kilometres wide that's half-magic, half-maths, and wholly mind-boggling

Forget what the megacorps are doing. I'm fairly certain that, if a true artificial intelligence ever does spring from a digital chrysalis and kill us all some day, it'll be because someone got a bit too enthusiastic twiddling the dials in Garry's Mod. I say this because I've just finished fooling around with the sandbox's user-created 1:1 Multiverse (2048 Universes) map, and I'm more convinced than ever that mankind is playing with forces the gods usually keep for themselves... Read more.