Small status update

Ice Demon

How long can you survive? In this arcade-style game, employ hand to hand combat and freeze your enemies to get as many kills as possible before you are defeated.

It's already been a while since the last update, so I just wanted to inform everybody real quick that I'm not closing the book on Ice Demon yet and a bugfix is in progress. Due to some complications involving Gamemaker Studio, a batch of code needs to be reworked as I port the game from one version to another just so I can update the game again, that's the only reason it's not released already. It's working out, but that might be a while before it's done, unfortunately. ETA is later this month or April, maybe. Also, the store page now has a translation available in Spanish. This is thanks to a company named WeSpeakGameish. They reached out to me recently and offered to translate the store page, so here we are. Many thanks! While I'm here, quick reminder that I have a Twitter strictly for updates on what I'm working on. You should check it out if you ever want a heads up on what I end up doing after Ice Demon: Thank you for playing Ice Demon, be safe and I look forward to getting back to all of you with a game update.