Achievements and Chibeara bugfix

Ice Demon

How long can you survive? In this arcade-style game, employ hand to hand combat and freeze your enemies to get as many kills as possible before you are defeated.

Just a quick fix for two issues. Let me know if problems persist and I'll look back into it ASAP. FIXES: -Re-implemented a thing that went missing which enables Steam features. When the game opens, it should set Steam to unlock any missing achievements. -Hopefully fixed a bug where doing the pummel attack on Chibeara would cause you to somehow move upward. This would prevent you from reaching Chibeara with the pummel attack, softlocking the run. In the event I failed to fix this one, the pummel attack object now spawns on top of Chibeara, ensuring he takes damage. Also, if you happen to go outside the room's boundaries in the pummel state, you will respawn back into the room without taking damage, and exit the pummel state.