Small Game Demo Updates


Artis is a story-driven adventure RPG inspired by classical JRPGs from the 90s. Explore and enjoy the daily slice of life with Akane & Bot as they uncover the mystery of the future dystopian world.

Small improvements on the demo gameplay and hotfix: [olist] [*] Added an 'objective timeline' to remind player of the current main objective. [*] Adjusted volume & sfx during battles. [*] Fixed old lady collision on the world map. [*] Added an instant respawn with small penalty fees after being defeated for certain bosses. [*] Added 'Load' on Main Menu, & 'Quit' to the desktop on Title Menu. [*] Fixed visual bug on certain sprites. [/olist] Please also be reminded that you may not be able to load your current/old save files after the new update due to plugins incompatibility. Sorry for any inconveniences. Enjoy playing!