Artis - Free Demo is now available!


Artis is a story-driven adventure RPG inspired by classical JRPGs from the 90s. Explore and enjoy the daily slice of life with Akane & Bot as they uncover the mystery of the future dystopian world.

Exciting news! Artis, our game demo, is officially live! Dive into a thrilling adventure with a sneak peek of our gameplay. What to expect: [olist] [*] Explore the starting town and encounter [b]interesting special events[/b] with selective NPCs. [*] Engage in [b]2 major main missions[/b] for a thrilling experience. [*] Explore more than 3 mini dungeons. [*] Unlock new skills for the protagonist. [*] [b]Expand the protagonist's house[/b] across 4 phases (unlock bigger space and a better lifestyle). [*] [b]Own a business[/b] and generate passive income (unlock via special events with NPCs in town). [/olist] Please join us in the demo and let us know what you think about the game!