Skill Tree and Augmented Upgrades

[img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/33908715/50f125a00d853e86c91c2011b1e95a59b39ac044.gif[/img] Talents in Disjunction represent permanent bonuses to your character’s passive statistics. Whether you want to play as a melee combat expert, ghost-like stealth character, or a beefy tank with a lot of health, Talents allow you to customize each character to fit your playstyle. Each character in Disjunction has a unique Talent Tree with four paths within it to choose from. You can choose to specialize fully within one path or mix-and-match different talents to finely tune how you want each character to play. As an example, Joe’s four Talent paths include: [list] [*] [b]Boxer -[/b] Represents Joe's ferocity, strength, and skill in close combat. It contributes to his melee attack speed and ability to stun enemies. [*] [b]Mercenary -[/b] Represents Joe's marksmanship, vigilance, and skill in ranged combat. It contributes to his ranged attack speed and ability to find ammo pick-ups. [*] [b]Point Man -[/b] Represents Joe's athletic ability, fitness, and capacity for movement. It contributes to his movement speed while crouching and movement speed while running. [*] [b]Survivor -[/b] Represents Joe's endurance, tenacity, and sheer strength of will. It contributes to his health points and energy points. [/list] [img][/img] Talents are bought using Experience Points, which are gained by completing mission objectives. Talents can be rechosen between levels, so you’re never locked in to any decision that you make. This allows you to experiment and see which playstyle works best for you! [list] [*] Check out the Website: [url=][/url] [*] For news follow us on Twitter: [url=][/url] [*] Chat with us on Discord: [url=][/url] [/list] [b]Play the Demo and Wishlist Today![/b]