Enemy Types

Disjunction features a wide range of enemies for you to sneak past, shoot through, or blow up. Whether human or robot, each of Disjunction’s enemies poses a unique challenge for you to deal with - whether through their ability to detect the player, kill the player, or alert nearby enemies. Enemies in Disjunction are broken down into two types (human or robot) and further subdivided into tiers (1, 2, or 3). An enemy’s type describes its general capabilities, and its tier describes its power. Human enemies are generally more straightforward to deal with than robots. They all only have two eyes, a forward-facing vision cone, and can be struck in the back with a melee weapon to deal more damage. Human enemies come in two variants (melee or ranged) which describes the kind of weapon they use. For example, a Human Tier 1 Melee Enemy uses a knife, while a Human Tier 3 Ranged Enemy uses a high-power assault rifle. [img]https://i.imgur.com/cMwEYqx.gif[/img] Robot enemies can be a bit trickier to handle. Some robots have four vision cones that point in each cardinal direction, while some have a rotating lighthouse-like vision cone. Some have a short-range electroshock attack, while others throw explosive rockets at you. Robots follow the same tier classification as humans, but higher tier robots vary more in their capabilities when compared to humans. One thing to keep in mind: if a robot doesn’t have a back, you can’t hit them there to deal more damage! [img]https://i.imgur.com/JLjpVUc.gif[/img] As a general rule, the higher an enemy’s tier, the less advisable it is to face them head-on. Of course, it also generally means that it’s harder to sneak up to these enemies from behind to deal with them stealthily. It’s really up to you to decide how best to overcome each encounter. [list] [*] Check out the Website: [url=https://disjunction-game.com/]https://disjunction-game.com/[/url] [*] For news follow us on Twitter: [url=https://twitter.com/ApeTribeGames]https://twitter.com/ApeTribeGames[/url] [*] Chat with us on Discord: [url=https://discord.gg/d5VVku4]https://discord.gg/d5VVku4[/url] [/list] [b]Play the Demo and Wishlist Today![/b] https://store.steampowered.com/app/979310/Disjunction/