Sifu | Patch Note 1.22

We've pushed a new patch focusing on fixing lots of small bugs and issues. Here's the full list of changes: [b]Dev:[/b] Multiple bug fixes in the Replay Editor. Multiple crash fixes. Improved lip-sync for the Cantonese voiceover. Fixed an issue where Focus attacks could whiff in some cases. Fixed an issue where Sean’s staff is invisible at the start of his second phase after skipping the cut-scene. Fixed a blocking issue related to input management in the Training/Lessons menu. Fixed an issue where skipping a cut-scene was impossible when using remapped/custom inputs. Fixed an issue where the Main Character would move at unexpected speeds after a Down attack. Fixed AI collision issues with defeated AI bodies. Fixed AI navigation issue that was blocking progression in the Crossroads arena’s challenges. Fixed a bug preventing Yang from entering the Red Room arena. [b]Art: [/b] Fixed the fog effect on “Low” settings in the second and third phases of the Crossroads arena. [b]UI/UX: [/b] Added a counter to the Year by Year modifier. Tweaked the Age counter animation for the Vampire modifier. Fixed pop-ups navigation issues. Fixed a corrupted transition in the Arenas’ death screen. Minor changes to the game’s credits. [b]Localisation:[/b] Various updates to the Simplified Chinese localisation based on cultural review. Various corrections to the French localization of the Training mode’s Lessons. [b]Sound Design:[/b] Updated the Cantonese voiceover that plays on entering the Squats’ corridor section. Tweaked the subtitle duration on the very first Cantonese voice line in the Prologue section. Tweaked the Environmental Structure Break SFX’s volume. [b]Trophies/Achievements:[/b] The Steam version of the “Fist of the Immortal” achievement should now behave the same as on other platforms (obtaining all non-arena-related achievements, instead of all achievements).