Shot Online Steam June Events

Shot Online

Shot-Online is not just an online sports game either, but it is a highly accurate simulation and a deep role-playing experience.

[img][/img] Hello Everyone! We have arrived with a detailed announcement regarding our June Events for Shot Online Steam! [h1][b]1. Nearest Mini Game[/b][/h1] For June, we will be introducing a new type of Mini game: Nearest. Nearest Mini Game is based on how close your ball approaches to the hole in one shot. [b]Theme[/b]: Nearest [b]Daily Join Limit[/b]: 10 [b]Daily Join Reward[/b]: Swing Trainer K-1 [15%] [b]Top 1~15%[/b]: Bianca’s Lucky Token [2H] [b]Top 16~50%[/b]: Baxter’s Lucky Token [2H] [b]Top 51~100%[/b]: Anthony’s Lucky Token [2H] [b]Time Period: [/b] Start Date: 2019/06/01 (00:00 UTC) End Date: 2019/06/23 (23:59 UTC) [b]~How to Earn Approach Tickets~[/b] Receive 5 Approach Tickets daily by visiting NPC Ceridwen! You can also craft additional 5 approach tickets through the Item Recipe System! [b]~After you have obtained Approach Tickets~[/b] 1. Right-Click a "Approach Ticket" in your inventory to add "Possess Approach Count" to your character. 2. Move to the Mini Game NPC in the Square with your character who has "Possess Approach Count" 3. Click the Mini Game feature to enter. 1x "Possess Approach Count" will be deducted. [b]~Nearest Mini Game Details~[/b] There are three tabs that will be noticed once joining the Mini Game Event. [img][/img] You will be able to see the details regarding each tab by clicking them. Once you enter the Nearest Mini Game, you will be able to notice that there are 3 courses. Each course has [b]4 holes to play[/b]. You will consume 1x “Possess Approach Count” per course, and you will be able to play all 4 holes per ticket. After making a valid record, you will be able to notice you record, along with the ranking associated with that record. [b]The “Total Score” shows the overall score after playing all 12 holes.[/b] [b]~How to Play~[/b] You will have to land the ball on [b]Green, Green Edge, or Hole Cup[/b] by a single shot. If the ball fails to reach on either [b]Green, Green Edge, or Hole Cup[/b], then you will not be able to receive a record for that hole. The record will renew for every better approach. No matter how well you play on certain holes, unless you complete all 12 holes, you will not be able to receive a ranking. For every hole, you will be able to find the following results display: [table] [tr] [th][b]Approach Failed[/b][/th] [th][b]Approached[/b][/th] [th][b]New Approach Record[/b][/th] [/tr] [tr] [td][img][/img][/td] [td][img][/img][/td] [td][img][/img][/td] [/tr] [/table] [h1]Please Note:[/h1] - Your "Possess Approach Count" will reset at the conclusion of the event, but if you hold Approach tickets as an item, ticket will not be expired. - Reward items will expire 30 days after receiving the item. [b]- Daily Join Reward will be distributed as soon as you join the Mini game event. - Ranking Rewards will be distributed once you re-connect to the game after the event concludes.[/b] [h1][b]2. Mission Event[/b][/h1] Another Mission Event will start on June 1st! For this month’s Mission Event, you will be able to collect “Water Balloons” that are needed to craft “Lucky Box” items through Meriel’s Item Recipe System. The Mission Event will take place [b]every Weekend starting June 1st until June 30th[/b]. The rewards for the Mission Events are as followed: [table] [tr] [th]Course[/th] [th]Requirement[/th] [th]Reward[/th] [/tr] [tr] [td]All Easy (Except CT Park Public)[/td] [td]Complete 18 holes with a score of 65 or better[/td] [td]1x Water Balloon[/td] [/tr] [tr] [td]All Normal[/td] [td]Complete 18 holes with a score of 67 or better[/td] [td]2x Water Balloon[/td] [/tr] [tr] [td]All Hard[/td] [td]Complete 18 holes with a score of 69 or better[/td] [td]3x Water Balloon[/td] [/tr] [/table] With the Water Balloon items, you can craft Event Cards, that are used for crafting Lucky Boxes! [b]4 Water Balloon Items are required to craft 1 Event Card.[/b] You will be able to craft the following Lucky Box Items with the Event Cards! [table] [tr] [th]Box Item[/th] [th]Composition[/th] [th]Amount[/th] [/tr] [tr] [td]Lucky Box I[/td] [td]Hesione Gem 50, Epimetheus Gem 50, Pandora Gem 50, Brooch [5%/5%], Mageia Plus N2 50, Mageia Plus N2.5 18, Mageia Plus N3 50, Theurgia P20 50, Theurgia P25 50, Theurgia P30 50, Bronze Tee, Silver Tee, Ambrosia 5%, Ambrosia 10%, Ambrosia 15%, Ambrosia 20%, Ambrosia 25%, Pandora Ball 4PC [15%], Prometheus Ball 4PC [20%], Atlas Ball 4PC [25%], Swing Trainer K-2 [15%], Swing Trainer K-2 [20%][/td] [td]2x Event Cards[/td] [/tr] [tr] [td]Lucky Box II[/td] [td]Prometheus Gem 50, Odin I Brooch [10%/10%], Mageia Plus N3.5 50, Mageia Plus N4 50, Theurgia P35 50, Theurgia P40 50, Theurgia P45 50, Gold Tee, Ambrosia 30%, Ambrosia 35%, Ambrosia 40%, Ambrosia 45%, Swing Trainer K-2 [25%], Clymene Ball 4PC [30%], Metis Ball 4PC [35%][/td] [td]4x Event Cards[/td] [/tr] [/table] [b]The reward will be a random item from one of the composition items per box.[/b] [h1][b]NOTE:[/b][/h1] All leftover Water Balloon items and Event Cards after the conclusion of the event will be collected during maintenance. You can craft as much Lucky Boxes as you want, as long as you have the enough amount of tickets! We hope you will enjoy our June events! Best, Shot Online Team