Official Announcement regarding Shot Online Steam

Shot Online

Shot-Online is not just an online sports game either, but it is a highly accurate simulation and a deep role-playing experience.

[img][/img] Hello Everyone! We have arrived with an announcement regarding the current Shot Online Steam. We apologize for not being able to communicate with players openly during the past days, and would like to share with everyone in the Shot Online Steam community with our current situation. [olist] [*]More game contents [list] [*]We have been trying our best to pass on the feedback that we have been receiving from the players. However, the developers of the game are having a hard time to implement the game features that are already provided from our other branches to Steam as they must change all contents to match the Steam platform. This requires more time than expected, thus causing delay to content updates. [*]We fully understand that this frustrates all players on Shot Online Steam, and we are frustrated as well regarding this issue, as we cannot provide the contents that the players wish the most. [*]We are currently working on a fixed plan for future updates for Shot Online Steam, and trying our best to fit in every suggestion and feedback from users to be part of the update plan. [/list] [*]Sales and Items [list] [*]We understand that Shot Online Steam lacks many items compared to our other branches. However, the reason that we are slowing down on releasing more items is to match with the update process of the game contents. [*]Since we could not get a clear answer from the developers as to when we will get content updates, we are hesitant on releasing more items at this point. [*]We will be taking notes of the items that players wish to be updated as priority along with content updates, so please list out the items that you wish the most beneath this post as comments and we will pass it on to the developers. [/list] [*]Service [list] [*]Most feedback that we have been receiving from players is that Shot Online Steam lacks players and there are hardly anyone on server. We understand that this is due to lack of contents, thus players are losing interest on continuing with playing the game. [*]We want to inform you that this does not mean that we have left the game from our hands. We are working hard to make up for the blank space that needs to be covered with more contents, in order to keep players occupied with playing contents through events. [/list] [/olist] We are sorry that we could not keep up with your anticipation towards this game. We understand the disappointment and frustrations that the players have on our game at the moment. We have been delaying our official response towards this game as we were also unsure of the exact date for updates. [h1][b]Official announcements regarding new content updates is going to be posted as soon as we get a fixed date from the developers.[/b][/h1] Thank you very much for your patience towards our game, and we apologize once again. Best, Shot Online Team