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I enjoy cu..." inertia> Shelter s Platforming Spin-off Paws Released | The Lonesome Fog | Gamehypes

Shelter s Platforming Spin-off Paws Released

The Lonesome Fog

The Lonesome Fog is a living book that seeks to expand on the concept of storytelling and explores the plight of a young cub trapped in a cycle of fear, cowardice and uncertainty.

I enjoy cuteness tinged with tragedy, but there is a certain line past which I feel the need to be mean and cynical to balance things up a bit. I mean, if you’re going to be tugging at my heart strings and squeezing my eyes for some juice, at least be decent about it.

Paws [official site], a standalone spinoff from Shelter 2, came out today, together with an “interactive book” called “The Lonesome Fog.” You will never believe how many lynx cubs die a tragic, painful death in this new story trailer!

… [visit site to read more]