SFXEngine Updated to v1.31

Future Pool

Future Pool is a futuristic version of 8-ball pool. Players take turns to shoot a cue-ball on a circular pool table. The first player to knock out all of their balls, plus the black 8-ball, wins. A game for one or two players with a selection of computer opponents.

Another little update for SFXEngine today. A few upgrades and fixes this time. Most of the changes are in the background to prepare to future multi-language support, and some more content for DLC too. Specific updates include: -Lots of text upgrades to facilitate future multi-language support. -Fix to modulator menu being ghosted incorrectly when replacing a sound, or replacing or deleting an environment. -Set Conversion Matrix now explicitly clears old matrix settings before setting. The update is now live for the full and demo versions. Find it here: https://store.steampowered.com/app/2438590/SFXEngine/ Enjoy creating, Mark