Serpent Titan mega update!


Survive in a world ravaged by massive Titans and an ever changing ocean sim. Displace water to find resources for building and crafting unique items. Swim, sail, and fly to explore new islands and fight Titans.

Its the Serpent Titan mega update! That means the new Serpent Titan is roaming the world summoning typhoons and crashing into islands. Plus there are new missions, items, weapons, and two new biomes. I also made a bunch of quality of life improvements, bug fixes, and performance updates... oh, and a fishing pole! Here is the Serpent Titan update video, and below are some screenshots and info about new features, with build notes at the bottom. [previewyoutube=W4yScp2Z5_M;full][/previewyoutube] [h3]Items & Weapons:[/h3] [list] [*] Cannons : Cannons now shoot about twice as fast. Making it easier to take out pesky enemies or bombard your friends with Typhoon Cannon Balls. [*] Typhoon Cannon Ball : A new special cannon ball has been added. It shoots out a twisting compressed ball of air which spawns a Typhoon for a short while. The Typhoon can lift enemies, animals, and boats into the air. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/38996910/74e04765977962b93dc41a04a7b0f6bcffa94fc9.jpg[/img] [*] Fishing Pole : Every game with water and fish needs a fishing pole. You can catch fish and various debris anywhere in the world. The closer your cast is to a school of fish, the more likely fish will be caught. Hint: the fast ones are fish, the slow ones are other items. [*] Blue Crystal Boat Motor : This is the fastest motor you can put on a boat. [*] Titan Stone Axe : Super strong axe you can build with Titan Stone from a defeated Titan. [*] Titan Stone Arrow : Super strong arrows you can build with Titan Stone from a defeated Titan. [*] A new Conch : You will need to play the missions to find out what it does. [/list] [h3]Missions:[/h3] [list] [*] There are new missions near the end of the game to connect the Serpent Titan into the world. I also made some updates to the other missions to improve them (like reducing the fish quest) and have some notes written down for additional improvements I will be adding very soon. [*] I don't want to say too much away about the new missions, so grab the update and check them out. [*] Although its not specifically a Mission feature, there are new World Map improvements too. The world map will now show you the name and resources for ares when you focus on them, plus the names of mission related areas are always visible instead of after discovery. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/38996910/40df4027e7f517b7635ded40ae838f7643947809.jpg[/img] [/list] [h3]Treasure & Titans:[/h3] [list] [*] Islands now have a random treasure placed near the middle of them with a special large cache of loot. Keep an eye out for golden chests as you explore, you might get lucky. [*] In addition to the new loot, the loot from Treasure Maps has been increased by about 20x ! [*] Titan and Golem colors have been updated so their color and the crystal loot they have is the same type. The Turtle Titan now has a yellow glow to reflect this. The Titans also have a new Titan Stone mine-able rock on their dead island bodies instead of dropping lose Titan Stone on the ground. [/list] [h3]Boats:[/h3] [list] [*] Boats are now faster than before, turn quicker than before, plus the yellow and blue engine stats have been refined. [*] Blue Crystal Motors now exist in the world. Check out the NPC Village if you want to buy a blueprint for it. Taking down a Serpent Titan will let you harvest a lot of Blue Crystals easily too. [/list] [h3]Building Menu changes:[/h3] [list] [*] Many of the items in the build menus are now unlocked by default. One or two still require a contraption or item be built first, mostly to help early game users from making the wrong thing at the wrong time. I am still working through the items as new ones come online and will continue to improve the setup for them. [*] I also added a way to preview which items can be learned from Recipes and Blueprints. [*] Some of the items have new build costs. Things like the Dock have gone up a tiny bit, while things like ammo has generally gone down. [/list] [h3]Build Notes:[/h3] These are the build notes since the last major News post. If you have any questions, feel free to jump into the Discord and I will do my best to answer them. [url=][/url] v0.9.53 -Fixed inventory item location swapping to send proper commands over the network in online games. -Update to character creator to hide currently unused body type slots. -Update to crabs so they always drop a crab shell when killed. v0.9.52 -Serpent Titan now spawns in the world! -Setup Fishing Pole and related world logic. -Setup Titan Stone Axe. -Setup Titan Stone Arrow. -Setup Arrow logic to fall off of dead bodies when they are removed from the world so you can retrieve arrows a bit easier. -Localization fix for Creative Mode Serpent Titan stuff. -Setup button tips while a bow is equipped. -Minor Titan bug fix in rare cases. -Increased Treasure/loot in Pirate Village. -Fixed a bug in the Settings menu. -Reduced Roshi fish mission from 20 to 6 fish. -Improved ammo HUD to better show you when you have other types of ammo available. -Typhoon Cannon Ball ammo can be bought at the Village. It can destroy Whirlpools and lift enemy boats out of the water. -Increase ammo stack for cannon ammo, arrows, and bombs to 99. -Improved main menu world button colors. -Fixed a bug with inventory filtering which could unequip objects from the player. -Fixed a bug where a bag could be unequipped into its self. Now you can put a bag into its self without it unequiping... like a turducken! -Improved first island mission text. -Localization improvements. -System level features performance improvements. -General bug fixes and quality of life polish. -Improved camera movement and look logic. -Fixed a bug in the Conch of the Sailor where it could spawn the boat in shallow water or on some land. -Reduced reload time on cannon balls so players can shoot faster. -Increased boat sail rotate speed. -New Rocky Biome Island exists in the world. -Update to the world island spawn logic to include a more balanced distribution of island biomes and spawn more islands in the world. -Fixed a bug with NPC equipping items. -Fixed an issue during Titan combat where two songs could try to play at the same time. -Setup high value treasure chests to spawn near the center of some islands. -Increased buried treasure rewards 20x+. -Setup Blue Crystal Motor blueprint for sale from the NPC Village island. -Increased boat motor movement speeds. -Updated Golem colors, Titan colors, and Charge Shot visuals. -Update to how unlearned items show up in the build menu. -Update to how and which items unlock or dont need to unlock. -Update to NPC and which recipes, blueprints, and items they sell. -Increased max boat speeds and turn speeds. v0.9.10 -Improved Dead Serpent Titan Island spawn location logic. -Improved Charge cannon reticle accuracy while the boat is moving. -Setup Serpent Titan option in Creative Mode worlds. -Fixed a World Map issue in creative mode where Titan Icons would not always match what was in the world. v0.9.01 -Improved boat float logic to work with Typhoons better and to fix a bug where a boat may get stuck on the bottom of the ocean. -Improved player swim logic to work with Typhoons. -Fixed FireFly harvesting so it properly consumes empty bottles again. -Improved Firefly harvesting action so its easier to do. -Fixed text that was using a single-quote instead of an apostrophe causing odd spaces in the displayed text. -Update to Firefly bottle to recycle into an empty bottle. -Fixed an issue with moving Firefly bottles in inventory while they are equipped and the UI showing the wrong feedback. -Increased brightness of Titan Beam warning zone so it reads better at night. -Reduced black rock drop rate 25% -Update to deep ocean rock islands to provide more variety in size and create a more interesting world. -Fixed Glider Boat (Hawk) network ownership bug. -Fixed Glider Boat (Hawk) bug where it could get under the ground if you traveled really far away from it. -Fixed a music bug where a track may not fade out quick enough and multiple tracks would play at the same time. -Improved Character and World save file rename logic to not exit out early when "e" is pressed. -Improved Charge Cannon aim and reticle logic. -Increased Cannon and Charge Cannon aim fov both horizontal and vertical. -Reduced cost of Ballista Shot. -Increased Black Stone drop rate. -Fixed a loot spawn bug where it could give more than expected. -Setup a secondary reticle for the Charge Cannon that shows the general direction it was fired in while the shot builds up. v0.8.99.3 -Fixed an issue with player stats being reset on loads to max value because of some debug code running in release mode. -Improved boat float logic and fixed a bug where a boat could get stuck on the bottom of the ocean but wont anymore. -Improved player swim logic. v0.8.99.2 -Improved Glider Boat turbulence while flying in Storms. -Improved island spawn logic to reduce object spawn issues in rare cases. -Improved minimap visuals to reduce aliasing. -Adjusted how much rain builds up on the ground each frame. -Fixed an issue with Stone Doors when playing in Low graphics settings not blocking water. -Update to Stone Doors to polish their setup a little.