Serious Sam: Tormental - Preview of Update #10

Hi everyone, So we noticed not everyone reads discussions hidden in the depths of various threads, so we decided to compile all the info about what's coming in upcoming Update #10! Warning: this update is not available yet! :) We are polishing the content below, working on it day and night, and we invite you to join our Discord channel and hang out with us as we are finishing it up. So, here we go. This is a list of SOME of the stuff that's coming in Update #10! (suggestion: open the videos by opening them in a new tab with right-click option) [h3]Mental Chests[/h3] First of all, some items, after unlocked, will appear in the starting area in a special chest. We wanted that you can try some of the unlocked items right away. It is possible to bring along 1 item per run this way. [h3]Frontal Lobe[/h3] Starting room is now called Frontal Lobe, the only true safe haven in Mentalspace, where figments and fragments meet to take shelter and plan Mental's overthrow. Frontal Lobe was completely rebuilt, and now all NPCs will appear here once their conditions are met. [h3]Autonomous Thoughts[/h3] NPCs are now called Autonomous Thoughts. Most of those ATs will give you various info about your game progress. [h3]Hunting Quests[/h3] One of them is called Skullfish, and he will give you various hunting quests. Solais and Grimsley helped us wrote detailed descriptions for all enemies! To unlock those descriptions, you will need to kill every enemy a certain number of times. Skullfish will reward you with special unlocks for every X times you do this. [h3]Insight[/h3] For every X score, you earn across multiple runs, you will earn a reward. A reward can be a Scroll - knowledge about various objects in Mental's mind, or an unlock - perk/weapon/ skin, etc. We wanted that you achieve some progress at the Game Over screen even if nothing else worked out. Scrolls are added to the Library, which can be accessed through Frontal Lobe as well. [h3]Mood Modifiers[/h3] Mood Modifiers can be switched on/off at the start of every run. Outraged - when Mental is outraged, enemies will shoot more bullets, but you will be able to deflect them back with your hammer! Frigid - when Mental is frigid, big enemies die only from brutal kills. This makes it easier to brutally kill enemies but also forces you to brutally kill them every time. Sadistic - a hero is smaller and starts with 1 max HP. 2x score for proving to Mental you can still survive against all odds! Frazzled - no ammo, stronger hammer. This is basically melee-only mode, where melee is even stronger than it used to be. Hammer can pierce through any type of enemy, and it deals 20% more damage. We added few melee-only quests, and realized it was too easy to use other weapons by mistake, Frazzled Mood completely solved that while also making melee-only runs a bit more fun! [h3]Bad Bulb[/h3] New character - Bad Bulb! Fry enemies with short-range electricity while collecting their life energy to refill yours. Use your powers wisely, otherwise, you will run out of your health really soon. Bad Bulb doesn’t use a primary gun, instead, you will find special chests that will give you various powers, some of them cannot be found with other characters. [h3]Dyna Mate[/h3] New alt skin for Bomb, destroyed enemies leave dynamites instead of bombs. Dynamites are instantly activated (instead of being triggered when you press the ability button) and create bigger explosions. [h3]Baseball Bat[/h3] Killed enemy transforms into a ball that damages other enemies. It has a strong knockback, and also deflects enemies' projectiles back at their faces! [h3]Grenade Launcher[/h3] Shoot grenades which explode when they fall down. Grenades can be shot over walls or over other enemies if you want to hit the enemies behind them. A grenade will fall and explode on the place targeted with the cursor. [h3]Buddy Bloody Replicator[/h3] Spend HP to summon a buddy that will follow you and inflict damage to enemies until his life runs out. It starts appearing in chests and shops from the Sea area and beyond (you cannot find it in the first area eg in first weapon chest). [h3]Weaker Melee[/h3] Because the current version of the melee was way too strong and it became the too dominant way to play, we needed to rebalance it. Melee now has a lower range and it can pierce only through smallest enemies (small frogs, Brainstorm’s parts, etc.). (note: there are some big changes related to Brainstorm boss, but more about that next time!) [h3]Hero Stats[/h3] New stats added to Hero (Character Stats) screen. In this video, we cheated a bit and added lots of Powers, but for most of the runs, it shouldn't get so long. [h3]New Area - Mount Fury[/h3] Why is Mental so angry? What drives his enormous fury against any form of an advanced civilization? No-one knows the answer to this great cosmic mystery, but on Mount Fury, all of Mental's rage and hate manifests into uncontrollable elemental chaos... and dinosaurs. [b]Pterrordactyl [/b]- flies to a random spot on the map or to a spot near the player (more likely if the player is hiding behind the cover). Shoots 4 bullets. [b]Angrylosaurus [/b]- spins towards the prey with a really high velocity. Deflects off walls, allowing him to reach you behind your cover. Brutal kill challenge: be careful to not roll into his dangerous tail cause invincibility frames don't help with this guy. Elite variant: leaves flame trails behind while spinning, making certain spots of arena burn for a prolonged time. [b]Dodour[/b] - throws exploding eggs towards the player. The egg is basically a detonator so it can be ignited with fire, deflected with the melee, activated with Bomb’s ability, etc. When Dodour is low on health and it can be brutally killed, it self-destructs after 3 seconds, so if you want to brutally kill it, the time frame in doing so is limited. Elite variant: refills health while on fire forcing you to get out of your cover and engage in a deadly dance with his bombs! [b]Lava[/b] Heroes and enemies can walk over lava, but their heat raises over time. Once the heat reaches the maximum value, it will ignite them, and deal them damage. Monsters will sometimes force you to use lava for extra space. You can also lure monsters into the lava to deal them the extra damage, but if they are not attacking you, they are smart enough to get out. The lava can also ignite bombs, including bombs released by Dodour so be careful where he targets. [h3]Indestructible Walls[/h3] [h3]Shopping[/h3] Shops now appear before boss battles, and their prices increase every X buys instead of increasing during Iterations. With these changes, it is now possible to obtain a good amount of Powers quickly and create some interesting build at the start of the run. Power shops now appear before boss battles instead of appearing at the start of every area. Powers in shops are split into 4 categories - Offense, Defense, Resources, and Serious Upgrades (yes, it's now possible to modify Serious weapons!). We also added a re-roll option. [h3]Loops/Iterations[/h3] Loops are now called Iterations. If you manage to survive every area, Mental will create a new, harder iteration of Mentalspace, just to mess with you. If you die and go back to the Frontal Lobe, he'll figure he's beaten you and make things easier again. You'll just have to prove him wrong. From Iteration V2 every room has multiple waves, and waves spawn after a certain amount of time (instead of waiting that you clear the room like in V1), which will force you to kill enemies as quickly as possible, and avoid being overwhelmed. In the second wave enemies can spawn anywhere so safe spots in the arena are constantly changing. Altogether this creates a completely different gameplay experience with lots of action and surprising events. After Iteration V3, there is a chance that any enemy spawns in any area, but the chance is low enough so that the current area still feels original. So Forest is Forest, Sea is Sea, but with added randomness of various enemies from other areas. [h3]New Primary Guns[/h3] All characters now start with unique guns. Bomb shoots homing bullets that speed up over time, while Netricsa shoots slow-moving discs. [h3]Conductor[/h3] Bullets shock nearby enemies. Longer the bullets stay on the screen, more electric benefits it provides! And here is how it looks when Netricsa upgrades her gun with Conductor perk. [h3]Boomerang[/h3] After reaching the max range, a projectile will transform into a boomerang. Boomerang will follow you until it is destroyed, or it travels 10 tiles. Various synergies possible, eg. piercing works on single enemy, shotguns pellets gain high range while flying back, etc. [h3]Boomerang L2[/h3] Increases range of boomerang bullets allowing you to flock the bullets around you. [h3]Sidefire[/h3] Shoot 2 additional short-ranged small bullets. Each deals 0.15x damage. Compared to Shotgun, it deals 1.3x damage compared to 1.5x, but it is more versatile since it allows you to shoot enemies from distance. [h3]Minigun[/h3] While pressed, fire-rate raises from 0.8x to 1.5x. Pushes the player backward. We also added various rare perks Super Sniper - bullets have almost infinite range. +2% for critical. Super Wall Ricochet - bullets bounce from walls almost infinitely. Snipeshot - increases the range and accuracy of Shotgun. Requires Shotgun perk. Super Machinegun - high fire rate, high spread. [h3]Anything else?[/h3] There are many, many things not revealed here, so watch out for the next announcement, when Update #10 will finally land! To name the few, we added dozens of new Powers and rebuilt the old ones. We designed many powerful combinations, allowing you to choose playstyle you want, and bring your own type of destruction and/or trickery. We filled up the game with lore and new dialogues, and all enemies and hazards have their own detailed descriptions. Most of the gun perks were rebalanced as well following your feedback. Just to name one, when the fire hits the frozen enemy or vice versa, it generates additional explosion, making fire + ice bullets combination viable. We also added new quests, added various settings, expanded inventory, created new game over screen, composed new music tracks, and fixed many bugs that were submitted by you. Thank you so much for that! <3 More details about what's coming in the next update will be revealed once Update #10 is out. As we are approaching the release, we are getting more and more excited, and we hope you will join us on Discord for the final countdown! See you around soon and stay awesome everyone!