September 2023 Patch Notes


Become the ultimate badass in Trepang2: A gory, action-packed FPS set in the near future. Unleash all hell on your enemies, dodge bullets and leave a trail of destruction in this hardcore and frenetic shooter.

[h2]PATCH 1 Out Now[/h2] Oh jeez oh gosh oh goodness its trepangin' time. ----------------------------------------- [u][h1]Bug Fixes For Patch 1[/h1][/u] This patch includes a smorgasbord of fixes, including but not limited to: [list] CONTROLLER [*] Significantly improved controller support, aim assist, melee lockon [*] New controller settings for deadzone, aim acceleration curve [*] Analogue controller directional movement (was locked to WASD axis before) [*] Fixed controller not being able to interact with mission menu after completing campaign OPTIONS: [*] Toggle sprint option for keyboard and controller [*] Fixed UI text being too small on steam deck COMBAT SIMULATOR: [*] Fixed missing music, weapon benches in combat simulator maps [*] Fixed missing floor collisions in "The Shard" combat simulator map [*] Fixed wall with missing collisions in Reactor combat simulator map [*] Fixed soft lock on killing waves with only 1 enemy too quickly WEAPONS: [*] Shotgun infinite reload bug squashed and thrown out [*] Fixed grenade launcher homing projectile particle spam on hitting the floor [*] Fixed dual wield weapon customizations not appearing after loading a game or returning to safehouse CAMPAIGN/SIDE MISSIONS: [*] Fixed crash on spawnkilling enemies with proximity mines or incendiary shotgun (most noticeable in oil rig) [*] Fixed wall missing collision in Jorvik Castle library [*] Fixed firebombs not being picked up in Jorvik Castle [*] Fixed Pandora Institute floating TV screen [*] Fixed Pandora Institute missing wall collision after entering the tower [*] Fixed Site32/Unidentified Structure enemies getting stuck in outside of map TMOD: [*] Fixed tmod "FlashlightOn" and "SpawnWithRifleShield" buttons getting stuck [*] Fixed tmod spawned HVTs counting towards HVT kills [*] Fixed tmod buddha mode remaining on after tmod disabled MISC: [*] Numerous localization fixes (thank you Lionbridge Games) ♥ [*] Fixed slide being queued if pressed while stamina is empty [*] Bunch of soft locks are soft locked outta the game shoo [*] All achievements now trigger properly (Average Weapon Enjoyer, 50 Shades of Burnt, & more) [*] Various music fixes [*] "Lowest Difficulty This Level" now being saved correctly, affected by cheats [*] Fixed UI slider values turning to 0 (this only occurred with European languages) [*] Fixed Hazardous camo's misaligned textures [*] Fixed supply box not being affected by "Music" volume setting [*] Safehouse Infiltrator HVT now has a small chance of spawning even after he's been killed once [*] Tons of little bugs are now fumigated and sent off to Pandora Institute. These were mostly reported by players, thanks so much for finding these and letting us know! [/list] ----------------------------------------- [h1]5 new combat simulator maps[/h1] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/35906859/6792bdfa4e78b184662684c8f6cd0c7147d4dffb.png[/img] [h1]5 new player skins[/h1] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/35906859/7bbe60fa14b14250245eeab1e2183e4e65c9c507.png[/img] ----------------------------------------- [h3]Weapon Skins[/h3] We also worked on some weapon skins, that we'd love for you to try for yourself! These will be included in Patch 1. They can be accessed at weapon benches (where you customize your weapons). Each skin requires completing a map, you'll have to work to earn them all. [img][/img] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/35906859/fdf666cf168a17698cd6181fa75194e62215f5c1.jpg[/img] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/35906859/9368d6df4b753c0480cfc0d70639e5f1cb285138.jpg[/img] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/35906859/cf9acec7c41227fd1a96b2bfeddd5d13ee84f423.jpg[/img] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/35906859/f3c44bc7f945b99be1abdd678beb9e5002d0d8e8.jpg[/img] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/35906859/b0ee6e412c067cd754c1b76a040f824fe0abda22.jpg[/img] ----------------------------------------- Sorry for the pasta, it's easier this way ♥ -B