Bladekisser DLC Available July 25!


Become the ultimate badass in Trepang2: A gory, action-packed FPS set in the near future. Unleash all hell on your enemies, dodge bullets and leave a trail of destruction in this hardcore and frenetic shooter.

Steam Homies, We are thrilled to finally reveal [b]Bladekisser[/b] DLC - releasing [b]July 25[/b]! It's time to get up close and personal. Are you worthy enough to wield the blade? [i]Checkout the brutally violent trailer:[/i] [previewyoutube=KVLZwoeh7sk;full][/previewyoutube] [h3]DLC Content[/h3] [list] [*] 2 new missions: TF63 command center and Omega Facility [*] 9 combat simulator maps [*] 3 new weapons: sword, revolver, machine gun [*] 3 high-value targets [*] 10 new intel documents [/list] TF63 Command Center is a rescue mission (gone wrong). In Omega Facility, 106 raids a Horizon ocean platform defended by a nuclear submarine. [img][/img] [i]Five pieces of canon fodder with bright futures[/i] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [i]What you've all been waiting for [/i] [img][/img] More info soon! Thanks for sticking around and supporting us! We're so grateful and can't wait for you to start slashing people. [h3]Sharpen your blade [/h3]