Season 3 is emerging on the 22nd of March

Hero Siege

Hero Siege brings you the loot with a legion of playable character classes, procedually generated world, over 1000 unique items, endless replayability and a wide variety of dungeons and dangerous zones to explore!

Greetings to everyone! The past few months have been pretty much non-stop working around the clock and the lack of sleep can be truly felt. But oh boy do we have an improved game on our hands! Our beta testers have been absolutely amazing at providing feedback and together we have cooked one craaaaazy season for you good people! The patch notes just surpassed 800 lines and are massive! [url=]Season 3 Patch Notes[/url] We have are putting the Hero (or perhaps a god of war) back to the Siege! [h2]Here is a little trailer for the game and season 3![/h2] [previewyoutube=ki5FkwPWIPk;full][/previewyoutube] Hope you're all doing good! We are really excited for this upcoming season ːvikinghsː - PAS Team