Season 2 teaser

Hero Siege

Hero Siege brings you the loot with a legion of playable character classes, procedually generated world, over 1000 unique items, endless replayability and a wide variety of dungeons and dangerous zones to explore!

Hello Ladies and Gents! By learning from our mistakes and from valuable player feedback we rewinded back to the drawing board. We started a 3 month long work infused insanity and forged what we believe is now a much better game! [i]Are you afraid of burnout? We were born in it, molded by it.[/i] Here is a small teaser of whats to come Tomorrow as Season 2 comes out! [previewyoutube=Wob5q32fDok;full][/previewyoutube] Here are the Patch Notes: [url=]Season 2 Patch Notes[/url]