Season 2 Begins!

Project Lazarus

You are the first party mech pilot of alien planet colonizers! Project Lazarus is a survival game with rogue-lite elements. Deploy and upgrade your mech to the metal!

Finally, the long awaited migration is complete, and along with it, a new season begins! Big thanks to all testers who reported bugs and suggesting feedback. Many new content and features have been added to Season 2, and along with it, a fresh new gameplay balance and mechanics - take your time :) Leaderboards for Season 2 is newly open, and Season 1 leaderboards will be kept as it is. As for the experimental build, it will continue on as Alpha 5.x starting next week. Currently, it is dubbed as Alpha 5, but it is exactly the same build as Alpha 4 so there is no need to test it. Leaderboards for experimental is blocked as per usual. Enjoy! [h1]Alpha 4 Release Notes[/h1] [list] [*]Added Level Outpost [*]Added Level Challenger Mode [*]Added Perk System [*]Added new mech Drake [*]Added new mech Runner RX [*]Added new mech Zero [*]Added better description of Challenger mode [*]Added Challenger mode achievement [*]Added new field POI crystal rig [*]Added siege mode to Siege Cannon [*]Added New Weapon Cerberus [*]Added New Weapon Flak Cannon [*]Added Power Skip [*]Added Elite Monsters [*]Added progress bar for active items [*]Added Emergency Shield Penalty [*]Added New Mech Praetorian [*]Added New Mech Benedict [*]Added New Mech Alabaster [*]Added UI Volume slider [*]Added Challenger Mode Choices gameplay [*]Added Colorblind Mode Support [*]Added Mech slot and starting weapon information to UI [*]Added basic controller vibration support - it will be expanded [*]Added quick tips to pause menu [*]Added controller layout icons settings for Xbox and PS controllers [*]Added crystal pick up sound settings [*]Added personal highscore to be shown in game [*]Added Distance indicator to items [*]Added ability to change starting weapons [*]Added celebratory fireworks (press F to trigger) [*]Added fast slider value changes (hold for higher amounts) [*]Added starting weapons to be saved [*]Added live score to game HUD [*]Added screen damage effect [*]Added announcer voice and related settings [*]Added waste barrels to Challenger Mode [*]Added giant worm to Challenger Mode [*]Added shaman to Challenger Mode [*]Added Mech status to in game pause menu [*]Added auto consumable selection behavior during level upgrade [*]Added new choice "Power Skip" which converts all remaining skips to rerolls all at once [*]Added Emergency Shield counter UI to the action bar [*]Added new choice types for Challenger Mode [*]Fixed some achievements not syncing [*]Fixed Benedict not aiming at ring monsters [*]Fixed Mech stats UI percentage going above 100% [*]Fixed Flak Cannon not able to hit Crystal Rigs [*]Fixed Striker and Praetorian UI showing wrong number of slots in menu [*]Fixed New Mech Achievements not unlocking [*]Fixed Reactor ROF values [*]Fixed gravity distance not scaling for some mechs [*]Fixed celebratory fx stopping simulation if not in sight [*]Fixed waste barrel fire culling prematurely [*]Fixed mech stat values getting clipped if the value if 3 digits [*]Fixed temporary perk UI not disabling correctly [*]Fixed in game menu screen stats getting clipped in large screen mode [*]Fixed windowed screen settings reverting in lobby [*]Fixed game continuing if upgrade panel is triggered while in choice selection panel [*]Fixed initial logo not respecting audio settings [*]Fixed Challenger Mode Choice Panel causing upgrade choice panel game time to be unpaused [*]Fixed Max AP gauge not updating the UI immediately when Max AP increases [*]Fixed monster death animation not triggering randomly [*]Fixed lobby menu logo scaling for lower resolutions [*]Fixed some fonts breaking in non-English language settings [*]Fixed Tesla Coil and Thor not targeting elite monsters [*]Fixed Striker Court Martial not scaling with Loading Belt [*]Fixed Evolution and Exfil circle overlapping [*]Fixed controller losing focus if mouse is clicked in the menu [*]Fixed special monsters shield damage amount not showing [*]Fixed evolution/exfil circle graphics glitching in certain angles [*]Fixed Challenger Mode structures sparkling in certain angles [*]Fixed Tesla Coil not attacking if there is only one enemy nearby [*]Fixed Attack Drones leaving FX particles on ground randomly [*]Fixed spawning algorythm over rewarding player in Challenger Mode [*]Fixed Drake Emergency Shield FX not matching movement [*]Fixed Choice panel showing all "Choice 1" [*]Fixed some vfx effects flickering between missile smoke and explosion [*]Fixed Alabaster Galaxy Armor Upgrade UI having overlapping text [*]Fixed ring monsters not dying fast enough on Challenger [*]Fixed passive weapons not showing stats [*]Fixed Loading Belt causing zero reload times for some weapons [*]Fixed shadow issues in Challenger [*]Fixed rare case of player mech receiving double damage [*]Fixed item/evo/exfil marker UI position not scaling correctly in 4k and 1080p [*]Fixed FX volume staying at very low volume after exfiltrating from Challenger Mode [*]Fixed giant worm death animation playing twice [*]Fixed Striker passive description showing outdated information [*]Fixed Waste Barrel burning FX playing for a brief second if it ended offscreen [*]Fixed initial logo screen not respecting audio settings [*]Fixed Overclock ending early [*]Fixed weapon slot not showing evolution weapon names [*]Fixed Supply Pack message and sound fx not prompting [*]Fixed shotgun issues at level 11 and 12 [*]Fixed sound issues related to Orbital Striker [*]Fixed Cavarium credit amount getting clipped in the armory in Large Screen Mode [*]Fixed rank up sequence's UI getting stuck after achieving The One [*]Fixed Drake animations getting muffled at very high speeds [*]Fixed reload sounds popping when there are 4 identical weapons reloading [*]Improved Crystal render performance by x2 [*]Improved controller scrolling [*]Improved foliage rendering performance [*]Improved data loading for smoother gameplay experience [*]Improved adjusted difficulty for Arctic Glacier [*]Improved grass rendering in grasslands [*]Improved memory management [*]Improved UI style [*]Improved player damage model to prevent instant death (gives some breathing room in late stages of the game) [*]Improved memory usage [*]Improved special monster shield flashes when shield is recharging [*]Improved giant worm animations [*]Improved Evolution indicator UI [*]Improved Shaman movement to be more elusive [*]Improved special monsters hp bar to show shield recharge better [*]Improved All weapons now have unique critical scale amount [*]Improved Q and E keys to shift upgrade boxes [*]Improved Space bar to install upgrades [*]Improved scoresheet to provide more information [*]Changed Boss Monsters now mitigate damage depending on the distance [*]Changed swarmer monster navigation behavior [*]Changed elite monster hard engage behavior [*]Changed passive weapons to show stats on upgrades panel [*]Changed exfiltration marker UI to be displayed under other marker UIs [*]Changed max damage multiplier from 100% to 150% [*]Changed Increased controller deadzone [*]Changed Challenger Mode Exfil speed to be faster [*]Changed Armor to be now % based reduction [*]Changed Challenger Mode Monster Speed increase choice to lesser amount [*]Changed some extreme Challenger Mode choices [*]Changed Frame cap option to be disabled if Vertical Sync is enabled [*]Changed health regeneration perk's health regen amount to 2 from 1 [*]Changed plating regeneration perk's plating regen amount to be mech specific [*]Changed some UI sounds [*]Changed Challenger Choice interval to decrease over time [*]Changed increased item size in the field [*]Changed powerskip choice will no longer be offered if there are no skips to convert [*]Changed Perk duration choice not to show up if perk bar is full [*]Changed Dozer's max AP increases every 100 kills [*]Changed timed perks to give 1 reroll [*]Changed Thor recovery to have a 3 second delay if recovering from 0 armor plating [*]Changed some lighting conditions in Arctic Glacier [*]Changed challenger mode reward structure [*]Changed special monsters xp reward structure and attack pattern [*]Changed explosive barrels damage to health based percentage damage [*]Changed explosive barrel fire to last longer [*]Changed special monster recovery stats to prevent perma shield at later stages [*]Changed Challenger Mode xp rate to be slighter faster [*]Changed Challenger mode crystal xp increased for faster progression [*]Changed passive weapons to be upgradeable [*]Changed increased Max level of weapons to 12 from 10 [*]Changed wall-in monsters are killed, they drop better crystals [*]Changed Cosmic Guardian will no longer knock back monsters [*]Changed Gravity Retractor Range [*]Changed Level 4 hyper difficulty [*]Changed increased Super Magnet size [*]Changed UI button click sound [*]Improved German translation (Thank you fanatic & Corr!) [*]Added Czech Language (Thank you paveljanik [CZ]!) [*]Added Portugese - Brazilian Language (Thank you thitz!) [*]Added Russian Language (Thank you Folio_Nov9m!) [*]Added Vietnamese Language (Thank you PrinzEugenz!) [*]Added Hindi Language [*]Added Hungarian Language [*]Added Swedish Language [*]Added Afrikaans Language [*]Special thanks to ThisIsPyrox, tao2911 and meck861 [/list]