Schrodinger Update, ARK-ADE is getting both easyer and more difficult.


ARK and ADE is an action-jammed VR FPS shooter in which you get to experience the glory of the 80’s arcade era in a neon fused setting 🤘😎. Shoot your way through retro-futuristic levels filled with enemies, iconic over the top bosses and never ending bullets. Insert coin to play! 🤖

Hi Everyone. First of all, a little gif of the new boss we're working on. Someone called it Shark-ADE, we love it. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40305569/138e122d47079ff0f21fc272a4f9499b86fc7460.gif[/img] In this Schrodinger Update we had a deeper look at difficulty levels. We had a long conversation about what to change based on difficulty: projectile speed, projectile size, player capsule size, weapon damage, enemy health, ecc... We choose not to modify any of this, ARK-ADE plays quite well as it is and changing what you already know and learned about the game seemed a bit weird. We'd love you to play ARK-ADE as you always did but giving the chance to new players to enjoy the game and not get frustrated by ADE and the bosses. At the same time we wanted to give experienced players, the ones chasing the first places on the leaderboards, a more challenging and rewarding game. Expert mode will be a nightmare and a high-score breaker! [h3]Difficulty changes[/h3] [list] [*] Normal - This mode should get you through the game without getting mad. You'll get the same points as always but boss life is reduced by half. [*] Hard - for the player who wants a challenge This mode will be the same as always, in terms of boss life and points. [*] Expert - for real arcade Gods You'll get 300% points in this nightmare mode and bosses will have 50% more life than usual. [/list] This is the first update of a series that aims to really separate casual gamers from expert high-scoring ones, it will be impossible to get a good placement on the leaderboards playing normal mode. If you want to be up there you'll need to go at least for hard mode. For the top of the leaderboard expert mode will be your only choice. [h3]Controller angle option[/h3] You can now calibrate the controller vertical angle to fine tune your aim. [h3]Added volume reset option[/h3] This is an easy one and should have been there from the beginning, our apologies. Small bug fixes. As always, we want to thank you everyone for your support and your feedback. ARK-ADE is getting better and better and it's all thanks to you! Dr. Evil: "Release the sharks! Mr. Powers, you'll notice that all the sharks have laser beams attached to their heads. I figure every creature deserves a warm meal." [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40305569/32930995d2b8f7c6b7622f687877b8cb3a009441.gif[/img]