Army of Tentacles: (Not) A Cthulhu Dating Sim: Black GOAT of the Woods Edition

Experience the non-groundbreaking, non-award winning VN/RPG, Army of Tentacles, in all its DLC glory! Comes with New Game+ Benefits, the most amazing Cthulhu Dating Sim in the universe, as well as Halloween, SDCC, the Sequel outfits, and the item packs!

If you or anyone you know is approached by anyone from Stegalosaurus claiming to be a part of a Counter-Strike tournament, do not click the link. It is a scam. I mean, we wouldn't be in a CS tourney anyway, but not everyone would know that. This also goes for, I guess, anyone in general. If you get a random, out-of-the-blue message about CS GO, don't fall for it.