Army of Tentacles: (Not) A Cthulhu Dating Sim: Black GOAT of the Woods Edition

Experience the non-groundbreaking, non-award winning VN/RPG, Army of Tentacles, in all its DLC glory! Comes with New Game+ Benefits, the most amazing Cthulhu Dating Sim in the universe, as well as Halloween, SDCC, the Sequel outfits, and the item packs!

[img][/img] Kinda a reboot of [b]Spooky Scary Halloween Spooky Times[/b], kinda a sequel. This time in a Halloween theme park. It has the usual Guest Events, but now there is a combat section to gameplay as well. [img][/img] What started as a DLC for [b]Furries & Scarecrows[/b] has snowballed into its own thing. We were going to announce these two with a special game that we had been working on for a few months, but that's not ready for a store page quite yet.