Rogue State Revolution: Ministers, Roads and Insights

Rogue State

Assume control of a Middle Eastern country recovering from a violent revolution. Forge alliances, grow your economy, invade your neighbors, or pacify your population. Rogue State is a geopolitical strategy game that will force you to always stay one step ahead of your rivals to survive.

[img][/img] Good day to you Excellency, It has been another glorious week for the People's Republic of Basenji and we are long overdue for another update on the essential features of Rogue State Revolution. We are getting closer to making the release date for game public (very soon). You're going to be the first to receive that intel report. [img][/img] [b]Meet the Minister: Aziz el Kamali[/b] Aziz is a cunning man and while he offers the benefit of lowering construction costs for buildings that fall under his Ministry, the caveat to be aware of is that he may change policies you made to suit his own needs. And he won't leave a memo before doing so. [img][/img] As with all Ministers there's some take and give but placing him within your cabinet will result in some major savings over the course of the game. If you can handle his [i]mercurial [/i]personality. (He will straight-up poison you with mercury. Be advised.) [img][/img] Speaking of Aziz el Kamali this week we're looking at roads. Doesn't sound that exciting unless you're a civil engineer but they are the first thing you must create in Basenji to connect varied points such as buildings and will be important to assess with regards to placement and their quality. The Romans used roads as one long branded ink stamp across Europe because they were extra like that and hopefully you will facilitate the transportation needs of your people in a more civilized manner. [img][/img] [list] [*] How do you solve a problem like transporting the nations resources to be processed and distributed? [*] How can we ensure trade routes with neighbouring countries? [*] What exactly will a bipedal maniacal mech stomp upon? [/list] Ok the answer to the last point is "anywhere it damn well pleases" but for the rest it's roads. [img][/img] We have a special treat this week as we share exclusive footage of the FMV cast doing some of their scenes. Your advisors Sabriyah Altaf and Yusef Kouri are played by Sam Smilovic and Karim Bayoumi respectively. [previewyoutube=kBvgPmHpS5s;full][/previewyoutube] Thanks again for coming along to this weeks update. If you want to discuss any aspects of the games development or story you can join in here or the following hubs: Follow Modern Wolf on [url=]Twitter[/url] Join our [url=]Discord[/url] Join the [url=]Newsletter [/url]