Rogue Samurai is an intense roguelite action game where you fight relentless waves of enemies as a legendary samurai. Master your skills, unlock powerful abilities, and face epic boss battles in a quest for survival.
[b]Update Notes:[/b]
[*] Visuals of the Dojo scene have been improved.
[*] Shadows are now visible in High settings.
[*] Adjustments were made to some particle effects.
[*] UI now appears more properly on Steam Deck.
[*] When playing with a gamepad, you can exit the pause menu using the "circle" or "B" button.
[*] In the Zen Garden, Sakura becomes transparent when obstructing the view, making it easier to follow Musashi.
[*] Minor quality updates were made to the weapon UI.
[*] Minor quality updates were made to the map selection screen UI.
[*] The issue with Kanabo stopping after acquiring its passive ability has been fixed. It now spins continuously.
[*] Fixed sound effects for some skills.
[*] A new model has been added for Yumi.
[*] The impact area of Yumi remains unchanged, but the number of arrows shot by Yumi can now be increased.