Rogue Samurai v1.0.2 Update

Rogue Samurai

Rogue Samurai is an intense roguelite action game where you fight relentless waves of enemies as a legendary samurai. Master your skills, unlock powerful abilities, and face epic boss battles in a quest for survival.

[b]Update Notes:[/b] [list] [*] Fixed the issue where enemy health bars were not displaying correctly. Now you can see their health more clearly (and they can feel your wrath). [*] Added three new passive abilities: Arrow Rain, Explode Yourself, and God's Sword. [*] The first level has been made a bit more welcoming, but be prepared to sweat in the later levels. [*] The "Indomitable Spirit" achievement has been updated to "Finish with over 75% health". Play with high morale! [*] Added four new achievements. More targets for achievement hunters! [*] The "Unlock all weapons" and "Unlock all abilities" achievements are now active. Great news for collectors! [*] Ability cooldowns have been reduced, and the base damage of some abilities has been increased. Let the enemies worry! [*] Fixed the issue where enemies weren't slowing down when using the time-slow ability. Now you can truly control time. [*] Fixed the issue where the game remained fully open when you Alt-Tab. Now your secret missions will stay truly secret! [*] Optimization done. The game is now smoother, just like a freshly polished sword! [/list]