Welcome to the Roast Club. The first rule of Roast Club: you DO NOT talk about Roast Club. The second rule of Roast Club is: actually for now you can talk about it, we’re still short on members. Third rule of Roast Club: only two stars to a Roast. Fourth rule: one of them is a DEVELOPER.
You see, we were challenged by Sir Clearwater [url=http://steamcommunity.com/app/512250/discussions/0/1291817837639916512/]HERE[/url]... and we do accept the challenge!
So if you feel like Roasting someone talented and famous… that’s NOT the place. But if you want to vocalize your vile thoughts about mothers, fathers, sons and all possible relatives of the humble developers, turn on Oh...Sir! The Hollywood Roast and enter the Roast Club! [b]First meeting starts tomorrow, 13th of June, at 5 PM GMT+2[/b]!
To play with us, look for [url=http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198364570856]VileLemon[/url] - one of the designers and an experienced bare-chested master of insults.