Roadmap update #1


An open world cozy fantasy rpg. Farm, adventure, smoke pipe weed, and live the life of a Halfling.

Halfling Early Access has launched! Roadmap update #1: So were pretty happy with the early launch version, theres some bugs, for sure. But given that this is our first real post about the game, I thought Id give you guys a little overview of what we have planned in general, and then after dive into some of the more detailed stuff coming soon. We'll also talk just a little bit about some bugs. We've yet to provide a full road map but are hoping to do son the site soon. But this early access version is a small taste of what will be a much larger world. Revolving totally right now around the town of Greenthrush, the early access covers only the initial few quests and some of the stuff to do around town. There are more towns and villages yet to be seen, and were frankly very excited for that. Eventually the world will be much larger. Theres quite a lot we have planned with quests, talent trees, and a ton planned for gardening and cooking. Fantasy cooking and gardening is really something that, is, in my opinion not fully explored enough in first person rpgs. Really, this is what's excited us most about halfling. There's a way in which beautiful first person fantasy rpg's, and life sims, farming games, and survival games have this incredible natural synergy. And somehow it doesn't feel fully met by the market. Especially not in the more peaceful and cozy variety. Were hoping to set up camp here and provide this niche. Deep cooking, deep farming, deep comfort. Open world, leveling up, talent trees, quests, but without a reliance on violence or combat. As for the current version of early access available, it general functions quite well - saving and loading is a little goofy in that I've forgotten to actually provide the loading screen panel (enjoy your vague grey opaque screen I suppose my friends.) The most unfortunate bug that seems to have slipped by is that, the models for the any choice other than the pure default that is, when you make a new character, if you just enter a name, change nothing and press play, the character will be properly animted - but only him. Literally every other option seems to be bugged. I updated to system to work with the save functionality at the last minute. My memory was of having tested multiple instances of the character, but whatever the case is, hes the only one who works right now. This will be 100% fixed in our next update, its my main focus once I step back into work again. Frustrating, but I hope you all enjoy anyway. Also will be doing a little aesthetic work and resizing. Ive not made much use of post processing yet, and frankly some of the halflings are mis-sized (tiny little buggers, yes, too tiny even for halfling). As far as the next big update (the next chunk of the world), thats a couple months away, but we will definitely be doing maintenance to make the early access areas and stuff function better, perhaps supporting additional languages and hopefully getting the early talent point stuff up. (very exciting!) Any questions or comment? You can always email us at Thanks for reading, have a great day.