Rival Megagun is a competitive split-screen shoot 'em up where you transform into a giant boss ship and battle your rival head-to-head in local or online PVP.
- Added option to dim gameplay background
- Added option to reduce intensity of enemy flashing
- Fixed no respawn after mega gunship is destroyed in network games
- Fixed missing player hit sound effects in network games
- Fixed P2's score displayed as "CPU" in network games
- Fixed score tally sound looping forever if player disconnects from network game
- Fixed bug where you can transform and take damage at the same time in network games
- Fixed desynchronized attacks in network games if both players have not unlocked an equipped weapon
- Fixed charge attack animation stuck after respawning from mega gunship in network games
- Fixed bug where you can repair and die at the same time
- Fixed Buddy 2.0's laser collision detection (Mega form)
- Fixed Ruby's instant lightning (Mega form)
- Fixed bug where drones could not be killed by bomb during time between chain expiring and spawn delay (commonly seen during mega gunship attack)
- Fixed display bug where HP bar appeared to be empty when Mega Gunship had a bit of HP left
- Increased Buddy 2.0's movement speed
- Increased Buddy 2.0's damage output
- Increased Gen's damage output
- (Mega form, Buddy 2.0) Increased bullet speed of Buddy 2000's basic shot
- (Mega form, Buddy 2.0) Reduced cooldown of Buddy 2000's spread shot
- (Mega form, Smith) Increased bullet speed of Giga Tank's basic shot
- (Mega form, Dr. Magic) Reduced range of Infinity Cannon's vacuum attack
- (Mega form, Nano) Increased Buzzkill's seeking rocket speed and quantity
- (Mega form, Nano) Increased Buzzkill's spread shot bullet quantity
- (Mega form, Nano) Decreased Buzzkill's spread shot cooldown
- (Mega form, Gen) Decreased Phoenix Wing's spread shot cooldown
- (Gear) Reduced defense debuff for Mega Deflector and Mega Destabilizer
- (Gear) Increased Compact Blasters damage bonus
- (Gear) Increased Exploding Shot shrapnel damage
- (Gear) Reduced Option damage output
- (Weapon) Reduced range of Dr. Magic's Vortex Bomb
- (Weapon) Increased pulling strength of Dr. Magic's Vortex Bomb
Thank you for reporting bugs and helping improve Rival Megagun!