RISK FFA Championship Signup: Season 1, 2024

RISK: Global Domination

Take over the world in RISK Global Domination, the iconic strategy board game.

[b]Calling All Conquerors! [/b] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/35544601/e107ec53d31a80e2e64bae916003067b39b700b2.png[/img] The RISK World Championship Signup Season 1, 2024 sign ups are finally here! This is your golden opportunity to participate in a tournament run by the community Discord. Battle it out for glory, win amazing rewards, and your name in the annals of RISK history. How to Join the Battle? March over to our sign-up form and enlist: [url=https://forms.gle/pCijWAFdFxpmqRaM9]Sign-Up Form[/url] [b]Important Dates:[/b] Soft Close of Sign-Ups: March 3rd (UTC) - Hurry, time's ticking! Hard Close of Sign-Ups: March 10th (UTC) - Don't miss your chance! Convert your local time to UTC here: [url=https://www.worldtimebuddy.com/]World Time Buddy[/url] [b]Before You Rally Your Troops...[/b] Make sure to scout through the Rules and Information at RISK [url=https://docs.google.com/document/d/1QPBWKbUjg9t0mUaeWx6EMVf3t7lvolZoOpholYTvRTU/edit]FFA Rules 2024.[/url] [b]Pre-Battle Prep:[/b] The first clash commences on March 4th. For a head start, practice for Round 1 by heading to FFA Season 1 2024 Info and navigating to the settings tab. Join forces with other generals by snagging the @Tourney Practice role in Channels & Roles! [b]New Feature - Update Your Availability:[/b] You can now adjust your sails and update your availability with ease! Just visit[url=https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdx0mZ-r334XsGT-s_krrSyAexMqZUZAZA5ZOkCbaQnIXvLlg/viewform] Update Availability Form[/url] and submit your new timings. This will supersede your original availability, ensuring your strategy is always up-to-date. [b]Join the RISK Corps:[/b] Feel the calling to assist in orchestrating the tournament? Volunteer as an @Event Helper! Click the Event Helper Application button in ⁠RISK: Global Domination⁠│ffa-tourney. [b]Got Questions or Need Allies?[/b] Our battle station in ⁠RISK: Global Domination⁠│tourney-help is ready to assist! Plus, uncover valuable intel in ⁠RISK: Global Domination⁠│ffa-tourney. Thank you, brave strategists, for joining the fray. May fortune favor your dice! Let the conquest begin! - The RISK Discord Community and SMG.