RFVR Major Update #4 - Party Quests and More


A medieval fantasy VR RPG set in a massive open world with deep player progression, fast-paced physics-based combat, and classic RPG game mechanics reimagined for VR. Full dive into the world of RFVR, there's something here for everyone.

[h1]- Greetings Adventurers - [/h1] [h2]Major Update #4 is now live on the main branch[/h2] [h3]This Update is centered on multiplayer gameplay and questing[/h3] [previewyoutube=xyrRifQGpTw;full][/previewyoutube] This video is showing off mostly gameplay from the client player perspective [h3]We've made a ton of progress improving the multiplayer co-op experience.[/h3] There is a new quest system in place for small (2-3 players) and large (4-5 players) sized parties in which players share EXP and earn quest rewards. Party quests are currently available in three locations targeting levels 1-10, 10-20, and 20-30+, and vary from "Assault" to "Defense" and "Boss Fight". In addition there is a new revive function that allows party members to heal fallen team mates by standing next to them for 3 full seconds. Multiplayer is still a work in progress and there are some odds and ends that may not work as expected for clients, please drop us a line and let us know if you find any issues. [h3]We've added other content and improvements[/h3] Quality of life improvements: -We've made the griping and climbing mechanics a lot more reliable and easy to use. -We've made the flight spell free and available for all levels from the start of the game New Content: -Several new challenging enemies (level 40+) -New ruins/temple area -Tier 2 loot chests, be on the lookout for the second tier of loot chests which can provide equipment up to level 79! [b]As always we appreciate all of the input and feedback we receive, don't be afraid to reach out! Cheers, OMFGames[/b]