Revamp is NOW!

Hey folks! We finally have a new version of Sneak In, and I'm excited to announce it! Well, today we're going to talk about the key changes as well as what's coming up for you in the next few months! [h2]What is new?[/h2] Almost everything has changed since then. It progresses from the cannon that launches the marbles to the snake at the level's end, through all of the marbles, and finally, all of the levels have been redesigned. The main menu and the world map are the only things that haven't changed. Even so, both have been modified. For example, the world map has a cleaner path and more evenly distributed leaves. Concerning the gameplay, it is required to earn a certain number of points to clear a level, and you will be awarded a badge according to the time it took you to complete the level. The faster you finish it, the better the medal. Some stages feature one or more marble tracks. There are also moving walls and other juicy effects. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/34817774/3513a4954a50b63777fc4bcbf5e63c8d09c81e3a.gif[/img] [h2]Upcoming updates?[/h2] As you may have noticed, Sneak In doesn't have as many levels as before. However, the 60 levels of the game look better and feel more balanced. Over time, I plan to add new levels until it reaches 250 levels. Thus upcoming updates are going to contain both patches and more content as well. Please feel free to share your suggestions with me on Steam, or come and talk about them on the studio's Discord server. Happy holidays to all. Binogure