Resident Evil 4 and Remember Me added to Humble Capcom Bundle

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Remember Me Bundle

As is their wont, the chaps behind the latest Humble 'Massive Publisher' Bundle have made it that bit sweeter, adding Resident Evil 4 and Remember Me to the Capcom Bundle, which was already tempting.

You'll have to beat the average (currently $9.07) to net them both, alongside Resident Evil 5, Resident Evil Revelations and the excellent Devil May Cry reboot. Fork up $15 and you'll also get the Untold Stories DLC for RE5, plus Street Fighter 4.

If none of those appeal, paying just $1 gets you Strider, Resident Evil Revelations 2, Lost Planet 3 and Bionic Commando Rearmed. Phew! I've lost count of the amount of games I've picked up in bundles that are gathering virtual dust in my steam library. Still, it's worth it for all the times I've had a random urge to play something and discovered I already own it.

The port of RE5 was a massive improvement over the initial release of RE4, but this looks like 2014's improved HD re-release. If like me you've never actually played any of the games in the series, this seems like a good opportunity to jump in. Remember Me is also worth checking out: its time travel mechanics inspired the same team to make Life is Strange—the final episode of which came out yesterday.

I love how everything about the humble bundles over the years has got less and less humble. It's kinda hard to be when last year you raised $50 million for charity alone, and goodness knows how much more since then given their relentless expansion. Not that I'm complaining: everyone seems to be winning.