Pre-order Strider on PC, get the soundtrack and art bundle

STRIDER™ / ストライダー飛竜®

Strider returns in a brand new adventure, complete with incredible side-scrolling action, and lightning fast combat all in a massive interconnected world! Download the full game February 19th and become the original assassin!

[img][/img] Steam's pre-order pages is up for [b][u]Strider[/u][/b][b][i]. [/i], which may leave you wondering, "Why would I want to pre-order a digital game?" The answer is, because it'll earn you some sweet bonuses! Those who pre-order the game ($14.99) will get a [u]Strider [/u][/b]digital soundtrack and exclusive concept art bundle. Why miss out? Remember, the game launches on Steam next Wednesday, February 19th! If you're curious about that soundtrack, make sure you check the [url=][b]comparison[/b][/url] Capcom Unity did a few weeks ago.