Requesting Player Feedback!

The Infected

The Infected is a survival crafting game set in an open world sandbox. Build your base defend and protect yourself from wildlife and infected Vambies. (Hybrid Vampire-Zombie)

We’re looking to gather some solid feedback on a few key areas of the game, and we’d appreciate your input. We'd love feedback that is clear & detailed—not just "I hate X" or "Y needs to change." Here’s what we’re focused on: [list] [*] [b]AI Behavior and Appearance: [/b]What’s your experience with the enemy AI? How do they act, attack, and generally interact with the world? And how do they look? If you think there’s room for improvement, let us know exactly what and why. [*] [b]Map and POIs:[/b] What do you think about the current map layout and points of interest? Are there areas that could use a tweak or new spots you'd like to see added? [*] [b]Building System:[/b] How’s the building process for you? What’s working well, what’s frustrating, and where could things be improved? [*] [b]Game Balance[/b]: How do you feel about the balance overall? Whether it’s resource availability, difficulty spikes, or anything else, we’re interested in your take. [/list] While we can’t guarantee every request or change will make it into the live game, we welcome the feedback and want to see where things can be improved. Looking forward to your thoughts!