Remnants of Naezith Update - March 13, 2018

Remnants of Naezith

With the powers granted to him by the dragon, Kayra will destroy the Remnants of Naezith, enchanted fragments of the dragon's body, to prevent anyone from exploiting their power for evil. Rush and swing through levels to top the leaderboards in this fast-paced, grappling hook precision platformer.

[list] [*]Optimized the game for performance. [*]Improved Leaderboard security. [*]Restore settings in Customization was not resetting while playing. [*]Fixed music wasn't pausing when you watch the intro again from splash screen. [*]Screen won't fade in/out to black during level transitions in speedruns, to give the player more time to see the level and react. [*]Ghosts are not being downloaded in speedruns anymore to make levels load instantly. [*]Added Swedish language. [*]Improved localization of Russian, Turkish, French and Polish. [*]Added "Sum of Personal Best times of individual levels" to Speedrun UI. (Sum of IL PBs) [*]Editor: Fixed a crash by removing \/:*?"<>| characters from the save file name. [*]Probably fixed the crash was occuring on quitting the game for some players.Removed the hookable tile and some bumpy tiles on top in Spin level. [*]Probably fixed the Hook Indicator stutter was occuring at spawn for some players. [*]Game quits instantly now. [*]Ghost won't be downloaded from the server if Ghost Visibility is 0. [*]Fixed player count was showing -1 next to the rank sometimes in Leaderboard. [*]Fixed input indicator was showing HOOK and JUMP glows in wrong positions. [*]Removed "sec" text from time differences. [*]Fixed "Dash Jump" button helper prompt was being visible a bit late at spawn. [*]Speedrun UI is now visible in Loading screens between levels too. [*]Increased the visibility of UI in Speedrun Mode and it doesn't fade out. [*]Stripped debug symbols from executable to minimize the size. [/list]